
Weekly Teaching & Sermons

The Great Worth Of Jesus

Each person has an ultimate question to answer: if Jesus is who he says he is, what is His worth and what does that mean to you?

To those whom God reveals it, Jesus is the ultimate and priceless gift to the world. His church is built on the foundation of Jesus being the promised Savior and people will be saved through knowing and believing in Him.

But in a culture that is so focused on self-satisfaction and cost, we must realign our view in light of value of Jesus. His value doesn't fluctuate on how much we want Him or need Him or what we do for Him. He is constant and glorious all on His own. So, we must devote not only our moments, but our entire life to obey, exalt, and worship Him. Then share that same worth and value of Christ to those we know, love, and encounter.