
Weekly Teaching & Sermons

What Is Grace?

In the beginning, God designed mankind in His image to reflect His glory, enjoy relationship with Him, and fulfill His mission to oversee the earth and occupy it. We forsook that identity and purpose when we chose to take life and matters into our own hands. As such, humans have consistently have tried to dominate, thrive, and survive in their own strength and on their own terms. This misses the mark that God set for us — it is sin.

But God loved the world so much that He sent His Son to make a way to be saved from our total inability to act as our own god. This gesture of undeserved favor is unexpected, but shows that God's love for His creation will not be quenched. It's our choice to recognize, admit, and change our desire for our sinful and selfish ways. Those who humble themselves and place their life in His hands, receive a new life, a new heart, and a restored purpose as a child of God.

Those who do not respond to the call of God will be opposed and will be left alone to be judged by their own standard of living. A standard that will end in death, because that is the ultimate end of our life in sin.