Week 1: Day 3 - 2016 Fasting & Prayer
Encouragement from Steve as you continue in our fasting journey this week!
A Call to Consecration - Choose Humility
Humility is a choice!
There is a posture the Lord delights in. It attracts His attention and causes Him to draw near. Because God is not a liar, when we seek the Lord from this posture He is obligated by His character and nature to respond to us and draw near with the full measure of His love! This is not to say that God is our puppet obligated to do what we ask, but rather He is the uncreated creating God who esteems us (Isaiah 66:2), lifts us up (James 4:10), exalts us (Luke 14:11) and gives us grace (1 Peter 5:5) when we humble ourselves.
It is from the place of humility as we delight ourselves in the Lord, that He will give us the desires of our heart (Psalm 37:4) and when we ask Him anything according to His will, He hears us (1 John 5:14). The pursuit of a consecrated life, set apart unto God, is only possible from the place of an intimate relationship with Christ. An intimate relationship with Christ is only truly possible when we understand that this life we live is not our own. Any other foundation will lead to a law based relationship filled with guilt, self-condemnation and criticism. Humility is attractive to God and is the foundation of true transformation both personally and corporately. But, humility comes with a price; we do not wake up one day and decide we are going to be humble. The price is "self" and the reward is Christ.
If we want to see biblical transforming revival come to our community and nation, it must first come to us. Revival and transformation is first personal before it is corporate. This is why we believe that the pursuit of personal consecration from the place of intimacy and a posture of humility is vital as we move forward. Take a moment to think about the person or people in your life or in history who exemplify humility. What is it that makes them humble? Do you possess any of these traits? What would it look in your life if you truly walked in humility? Where is the Lord calling you to humble yourself? The obstacle to humility is pride! Ask the Lord to reveal any areas of pride in your life.
Be jealous for your relationship with God. Repentance is a response to love from the place of worship and His presence. It is personal before it is corporate. As the Holy Spirit reveals any sin in your life quickly repent and receive God's forgiveness.
- God gives grace to the humble and resists (opposes) the proud! James 4:6
- Humble yourselves before the Lord and He will lift you up. James 4:10
Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any pride in your life. As he shows you give thanks for His kindness to you and repent. If you need to deal with people your pride has affected do so quickly. Your motivation is love and your strength is the grace of God. James 4:6
Lord God your word is clear that you will resist and oppose us in our pride but you give an abundance of grace to the humble. I confess that I have to often chosen pride; I have chosen self over others, forgive me, and forgive your church. Cause me to recognize when I am selfish and self-centered and to quickly turn and humble myself. I need your presence and I must hear your voice. Increase my faith and trust in you and your leadership. You are trustworthy and your purpose for me is for my good. (Continue to pray as the Holy Spirit leads)
- Take a moment to pray for the Church of Jesus Christ and for a Spirit of humility to come upon her. Pray for leadership to defer to one another and esteem others as better then themselves.
- Pray for CFM and the leadership to walk in humility.
- Pray for those who will pray from the platform to lay down agendas and personal passions for the agenda and passion of Christ.
The greatest act of worship is obedience.
- The key to obedience is a recognition that God is King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Revelation 19:16). There is none like him (Jeremiah 10:6). This revelation can only come from true humility and the understanding that God alone sits on the throne (Psalm 47:8).
- Spend some time acknowledging the Lord for who He is, Allow His majesty and greatness wash over you. Thank Him and praise him simple because He is worthy to be praised (Psalm 96:4).