
Weekly Teaching & Sermons



In a world so divided on its perception of truth, we must be ever diligent to stay connected to the Bible as God's revealed truth to us.

He has revealed Himself through His Word as the one true God, full of power and glory, displayed in three distinct persons: Father, Son, And Holy Spirit. Though they are one, each displays the God nature in ways that lead mankind to be confronted by sin, call them to repent, and turn to His salvation and loving heart wanting no one to perish. However, His Word also shows that there are other factors that want to draw us away or keep us from pursuing the knowledge and love of God. This unholy trinity can be represented as the world, the flesh, and the devil.

The world pulls in every direction to conform us to its own whims and values. Our flesh seeks pleasure, significance, and power. And the devil uses any means to turn our attention away from the things of God and onto the things that will lead to our destruction. So, the mission of God's chosen is to live in the world, but not of it; to deny our flesh and its sinful desires; and to resist the devil by submitting to God and standing firm in His victory over sin and death.