Chester Freedom Ministries

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It Could Be Worse

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It Could Be Worse Steve Bishop

Surveying the world, it is apparent that individuals and nations are increasingly consumed with selfish and immoral desires and blatant disregard for honor and respect. However, this isn't a new trend. It was foretold in passages of the Bible like 2 Timothy 3 and James 4.

The human heart has been tempted to selfish desires since the fall in the beginning. Without the truth of God laid out in ways like the law, people could fool themselves into believing that they were good. But He established these things as a mirror to show people their depravity and need for Him. In the coming of Jesus, the Son of God, the law and demands of God were fulfilled so that in Jesus Christ alone all people could find salvation and eternal life.

Our responsibility, as those who trust and follow Jesus, is to take up our cross every day. That is, laying our selfish desires aside and being led by the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the Word in love. Even as we grow, we must be sharing and teaching what we know and what we believe to others and the next generation. That they might have access and resource to the same faith and salvation that has been given to us.